Eco-Tx series transformer with zero off-load loss feature, 1 kVA continuously rated (1500VA intermittent rating), 230:110CTE, 1 x 16A 110V socket protected by a 10A DP MCB.
Standard Industrial Transformers
Eco-Tx Transformer with MCB Protection
Type Ref: ECO-TX/1/C1/SI1-16/IP44
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Blakley Electrics Eco-Tx series of transformer for zero off-load losses. Eco-Tx assemblies are enclosed transformer / socket assemblies, providing a Reduced Low Voltage Supply (RLV) in accordance with BS7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations). The incorporation of an interlocked socket is generally accepted as making the assembly suitable for use by ordinary persons.
Eco-Tx series transformers only consume power when a plug is inserted into the interlocked socket and the switch on the socket is rotated to the ON position (the switch cannot be rotated unless a plug is inserted in the socket). Before the plug can be withdrawn from the socket, the switch must be returned to the OFF position. Off load losses only occur when a plug is inserted in the socket and the switch is rotated to the ON position.
TL series, wall mounting, sheet steel, non-vented to IP44. The enclosure is phosphate pre-treated prior to electrostatically applied powder coating, shade Dark Admiralty Grey. The wall mounting brackets can be repositioned on-site to make the enclosure floor fixing.
1000 VA single-phase continuously rated or 1500VA intermittently rated. The transformer is double wound and manufactured in accordance with BS EN 61558 Parts 1 and 2-4 with an earthed secondary winding.
Primary Volts
230 with tappings at 220, 240 and 250 volts.
Secondary Volts
110 CTE (in accordance with BS EN 61558 Part 2-23).
1 no. 16A, 2P+E, 110V, IPX4, BS EN 60309-2 interlocked socket protected by 1 no. 10A double-pole Type C MCB. The MCB is located behind a protective window to maintain the IP rating.
On Application
This product cannot currently be purchased online. Please contact Blakley Electrics Customer Services on 0333 188 0284 to discuss your requirements and for pricing and lead times.